Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why I Totally Changed My Career Path

I am a writer. I always have been. I've always conveyed  myself the best through the written word.

I would write stories and stories and  more stories when I was a little girl. My favorite units in school were the writing units. I got excited (and still do) when it comes to written assignments. It's where I excel best. And duh, here I am blogging.

I love the combination of writing and social media. I would be lying if I said I weren't addicted to social media. I love getting my messages out to the world. I love helping people and giving people advice. I love sharing new things with people.

I am young. I am fresh. I'm modern. I'm a huge tech nerd when it comes to this type of stuff.

I'm also not your typical 9-5 sort of gal. I hate having a schedule sometimes - it feels so rigid and so stiff. I'd love to work from 11-7 or later.

I'd love a job where I can stay in my pajamas the whole day. I hate dressing up and wearing pantyhose and work pants and whatnot.

For these reasons I'd love to get my foot in the door in the content writing/social media areas of the career world.


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